Greetings! My journey through life has been shaped by overcoming personal challenges, including a silent stroke that led to Aphasia—a speech impairment that makes communication difficult at times. While my cognition remains intact, I sometimes struggle with memory. This experience inspired me to write Don’t Let the Fear of Striking Out Hold You Back, a book about facing and overcoming adversity.
I am also the Co-Founder of Aphasia Associates, a support group that helps individuals affected by stroke-related speech issues find ways to improve communication, despite my own challenges.
I am an avid lover of travel, nature, and storytelling, and I find deep peace in witnessing the beauty of God’s creations.
Michael Ruff
From : 2025-03-08 to 2025-03-08
Writers, the time is almost here!
With just two weeks until our March Write On! meeting, now is the perfect moment to reflect on how reading shapes your writing. Great writers are great readers, and studying the masters can refine your storytelling, sharpen your style, and strengthen your unique voice.
Date:? Saturday, March 08, 2025Time:? 10:00 AM– 12:00 PM (Pacific Time)Location:? Fairfield Civic Center Library - Becker Balmer Meeting Room 1150 Kentucky St. Fairfield, CA 94533
Can’t make it in person? Join us online! Click here to attend via Zoom:
Read Like a Writer:Every book you’ve ever read has influenced your writing in some way—whether you realize it or not. As the meeting approaches, ask yourself:
Reading isn’t just about enjoyment—it’s about learning from the best and applying those lessons to your own work.
Your Writing Challenge:Bring an example from your go-to author—the one whose writing speaks to you, influences your style, or pushes you to improve. Be prepared to share why their work resonates with you and what lessons you’ve taken from them.
With the meeting just around the corner, it’s time to take the next step in your growth as a writer. Let’s explore how the authors we admire shape the stories we tell.
Explore the importance of understanding your target audience. In this guide, you’ll learn how to pinpoint the unique group of readers most likely to connect with your writing, helping you craft content that resonates and engages. Whether you're an author, blogger, or marketer, knowing your ideal reader is the key to shaping stories that leave a lasting impact.
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